Family news and events. Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of any posting.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Suessical ---
At home the family has been enjoying reading the Bible together as we prepare for the Memorial of Christ's death on Monday. Ella Grace was amused by Jesus throwing the money changers out of the temple.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Assembly, Cars, and Snow ---

Unfortunately our camera was not with us as we trekked up to Natick for our Assembly. I think we just forgot it with everything that was going on that day. Daddy's car wasn't well as an exhaust gasket had come detached (the bolts holding it together had rusted out) and Mommy's car went into the shop because it wasn't shifting again. When the guy called Daddy back he simply said "Your transmission is, ahhh... is no good." This turned out not to be true (Daddy was a little suspiscious how the mechanic would know that definativly just by hooking it up to the computer) but it did mean we were without car for the weekend. Not to worry, Daddy and Mommy had a car rental in line and picked that up for the trip.
The Assembly was on the subject of not storing up material riches, which was perfect for the weekend, and putting first things first we got through the weekend and had a great time. The kids went swimming, the food was great, and a good time was had by all. Ella Grace continues to make friends at every Assembly (they kind of attach themselves to her like barnacles on a ship as she walks around the Assembly Hall), and this time earned the privelege of sitting with one of her new friends for a session. Eliza was Eliza and pretty much ammused herself wherever she went.
After the Assembly, on the referral of a good friend, we got Mommy's car fixed at Stop and Go Transmission (the transmission was fine, it was a little black box outside the transmission that caused the trouble). It wasn't cheap but not too pricy as far as car repairs go. As Daddy can't free two of the bolts from the gasket to repair his car he spend $6 on C-clamps and put the pipe together that way. It's running fine for the time being.
We enjoyed the snow and tried to put together a snow man but it was difficult with the limited snow we've had this limited winter. The last snowfall was better and both the girls had a blast sledding down the hill at Fort Griswold, which is only a short walk from our house. Daddy had a good time too until the snow got into his shoe and melted, his nervous system is a little bit more developed than when he was a kid so the cold is more of a nuisance now.