There's been lots of fun of late as we get into the winter. Our first snowfall was good for sledding and making snowballs, Ella Grace and Daddy got to do both on a pleasant Friday afternoon after a doctor's appointment. The snowball fight was lots of fun as they could throw the snowballs about as fast as they could pick up the snow, due to the snow being so wet.
The family talent night was also good fun. Ella Grace and Eliza helped out by being background clouds in a poem recital. Ella Grace also continued her fine work as a camera person.
Great-Grandpa came home from the rehab center on Friday, Daddy and Ella Grace had the privilege of helping with that. Great-Grandpa is doing much better now that he is at home according to all reports and has even been able to stand up out of his wheelchair with assistance, which he wasn't able to do before. Daddy and Ella Grace enjoyed running around the woods behind Great-Grandpa's house and making fake footprints in the snow for fun.
This last Saturday the whole family did some house cleaning, throwing a lot out and finding things we'd been looking for in some cases. Ella Grace is planning to help Daddy work on video editing for the family, and Mommy has been doing a spectacular job putting up family photos around the house.
The family also purchased a 2003 Honda Civic with only 27,000 miles on it to replace Daddy's deteriorating Volkswagon. Daddy was sad to part with the VW but is enjoying the Civic greatly. The dealership, Cardinal Honda, was immensely helpful in helping the family secure our transportation needs for what will hopefully be a long time.
Pictures scattered here until Daddy can organize them.