Monday, August 16, 2004

Little Miss Attitude ---

Not to be outdone by her older sister, Eliza has been demonstrating some newly acquired attitude of late. No longer a passive observer of the world, Eliza is now freely expressing her displeasure with various situations in a not-at-all bashful manner. She's expressed her happiness from day one, and still does more often than not. But beware of crossing her now! She's given Ella quite a few stern lectures in Eliza-talk, waving her finger in the air to make sure she has our attention. And a word to the wise: don't take anything from her. Like Ella did before, Eliza now shrieks at the top of her lungs should something in her possession be taken from her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eliza seems to have a good sense of humor as well, even at her own expense. I'm still cracking up about the last time she was over here. She toddled around the corner of the entertainment unit, perhaps expecting to find a passageway, but encountered the wall and stopped. She tried to turn around and wound up stumbling first against the entertainment unit and then, recovering from that, against the outside wall. She found herself right back where she started, staring at the wall, and started chuckling to herself. It was so adorable!!!