Eliza continues to enjoy shopping, as she walked around many of the stores picking up as many things as she could hold in her arms while she meandered the store. She was finally convinced to stick with just a stuffed little plush dog that she seemed particularly attached to, while Ella Grace picked up a big fat cat. They also enjoyed the Irish store, and Eliza liked the painting on one store wall of a Scandinavian viking, as she likes it when they play vikings on the Backyardigans.
The girls also got to see a live owl and what we think was a hawk, but they were actually more interested in the water pump nearby that Mommy and Daddy had never noticed before. A full set of pictures of the day can be found here.
Darling pictures!
So... the Viking blood is stirring in Eliza? Which store was the picture in?
We were there Saturday and we explored the Native American store for the first time. There is some beautiful art in there. Too bad we missed bumping into you. :)
It could be stirring, I think she was more excited because the Backyardigans played Vikings on one of their episodes... hadn't occured to me until Saturday that there was a genetic connection! :)
We also stopped off at the Irish store (which I was disappointed with since it was mostly drinking paraphanalia) and Ella said two of her friends at school were Irish, and I told her that her sister was too, at least slightly (that is true, correct?) Then I realized between Jannai and myself Eliza must share blood with half the world!
Two of Eliza's 5th great-grandmothers were born in Ireland: Ann Isabella Hughs, in 1830 (married the Norwegian on my side); and Catherine Ann McMullen, date uncertain (married into the Verplanks in Michigan on Dad's side). I think her 4th great-grandmother, Hanorah O'Brien, or her parents, might have been born there, just guessing from the surname. Hanorah met Neadom Rodgers and married him in Boston before moving to Provincetown. :)
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