Ella Grace has found a new interest in cooking. She's been making us deserts which we've been enjoying. Today she made a chocolate mousse cake and later some grits for lunch. Eliza helps as long as it holds her attention.
On 11/15 the whole family enjoyed a Family Game Night (hopefully the first of many) with our Bookstudy Group. Mommy and Daddy got to introduce more of our friends to the Apples to Apples game. It wasn't too popular the first round, but after people got into it everyone enjoyed it greatly. Ella Grace had a great time playing with the adults and Eliza spent time taking orders and serving drinks, something she likes doing.
Ella Grace and Eliza had their first parent/teacher conferences and both are doing very well at school. Eliza is taking to reading with ease and enthusiasm and is already sounding words out as she sees them in day to day life. Ella Grace will soon need to decide where she would like to go for Middle School. Teachers have already invited her to come back to the Magnet School in her spare time to teach, particularly some Chinese words.
We have been over-run by cats! Each family member now has their own cat. Eliza adopted Greyhound, who has grown from kitten to Goliath-cat in about a month and a half... and he's not done growing! Ella Grace adopted Cuddles, who looks like Greyhound's kid brother, and Daddy adopted Cierra, Cuddles sister. It's all worked out as the cats have plenty of company to play with and Cuddles and Cierra engage in epic day-long kitten battles all over the house.
Daddy took a short trip to Florida this week to see Grandpa Erik and Grandma Liz and had a wonderful time. It was raining the first half of the day he was down, but he didn't mind as just being able to relax and have no worries for a day was better than any good weather. Grandpa
Erik says that Daddy looks a lot like Grandpa Karl which made Daddy happy. Daddy also saw a picture of Grandpa with a look on his face that Eliza has all the time. Very cute.
Erik says that Daddy looks a lot like Grandpa Karl which made Daddy happy. Daddy also saw a picture of Grandpa with a look on his face that Eliza has all the time. Very cute.
The tough economic times are, of course, having an effect on the family, however it's teaching all of us reliance on Jehovah, as we know times will get much worse before they get better. He has well trained his servants and in many ways the difficult times are only serving to draw us closer to one another.
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